In Bethlehem, Pope speaks out for children
May 29, 2014
Celebrating Mass a few steps from the spot traditionally believed to the birthplace of Jesus, Pope Francis said that the way society treats its young reveals its moral character.
Bible Congress for Form 4 students
May 22, 2014
The Kuala Lumpur Archdiocesan Bible Apostolate (KLABA) is organising a Bible Knowledge Congress for Form Four Students from May 28 (6.00pm) to May 31 (1.00pm).
Animated video on John Paul II aims to evangelize youth
May 22, 2014
In honour of the canonization of St John Paul II, audiovisual resource page Catholic Link has created an animated video detailing the profound spiritual life of the Saint with the hope of reaching youth.
Youths organise special breakfast for mothers
May 22, 2014
St Michael’s Church English youth group organized a special breakfast treat for about 200 mothers after Mass on May11.
Young Catholic sisters’ mission: Saving young souls
May 22, 2014
If a young soul wanders, Mother Mary Catherine has dedicated her to life to shepherding it back on the path to heaven.
BECs re-enact the Way of the Cross
May 22, 2014
More than 100 people participated in the Way of the Cross on April 9, 2014 at the Church of St Francis Xavier, Petaling Jaya.
Share the fruits of the Holy Spirit
May 22, 2014
Confirmation candidates from both the Chapel of Christ the Light in Desa Jaya and Chapel of Christ the King were administered the Sacrament of Confirmation by Archbishop Emeritus Murphy Pakiam on May 11 at the Chapel of Christ the King.
Come Follow Me – GSC Catechetical Camp
May 22, 2014
The Catechetical Ministry of Good Shepherd Church (GSC), recently had a day camp targeted at youths aged 13 to 16, themed Come, Follow Me and facilitated by the secondary school catechists, led by Jacintha.
Donation of dictionaries to Assunta Children’s Home
May 16, 2014
The Assunta Children’s Home located in Petaling Jaya urgently needed dictionaries for their children who are given tuition daily.
A deeper meaning on the Triduum for the Altar boys of Holy Trinity Church, Tawau
May 16, 2014
A camp was organized by the Altar Boys of the Holy Trinity Church Tawau beginning from Holy Thursday, April 17 to Easter Sunday, April 20.
Sunday Reflection
The miracle begins when the wine runs out
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Rawi Alexander, OFM, Cap