Sunday Observer

  • Federal Court verdict provides a second chance for Malaysia

    Aug 26, 2022

    The Federal Court verdict in upholding the High Court’s guilty conviction of Najib Razak and sending him to prison was a psychological breakthrough for Malaysia.

  • Tapping into a higher level of consciousness

    May 27, 2022

    In recent days, concerns have been raised about the high level of food imports and rising food prices. Many among the working class are struggling to make ends meet.

  • The blinding allure of greed

    Feb 26, 2022

    In today’s world, we see greed all over and how it has widened disparities and degraded ecosystems while driving corruption.

  • Greed in the city and land grabs

    May 28, 2021

    In the beginning was a Garden, a world where the bounty of the Earth was enough for everyone to live comfortably. But once the first humans succumbed to baser instincts, the sin of greed and envy took over.

  • Precarious economic times – Jesus would have been familiar with that

    Jan 09, 2021

    Capernaum sits north of the Sea of Galilee, which is 21km long and 13km wide – actually a fresh-water lake ideal for fishing. It was along the shores here that Jesus spent much time during his ministry, with Capernaum as a primary base. Up to seven of his apostles may have been fishers.

  • Living life to the full, reaching out to the peripheries

    Jun 18, 2015

    Before we focus on the Bishop of Rome’s new encylical on the ecology which is just out, it might be good to recall several key phrases from his Joy of the Gospel exhortation, released in November 2013.