Word In Progress
Cool and uncompromised
Apr 08, 2023
The need for validation is the strongest it has ever been now, more than at any other time in human history. Blame it on the explosion of social media, and media sharing networks like Tik Tok and Instagram.
The WE is as important as the ME
Mar 10, 2023
We have existential conversations about God, faith, outward signs of piety, inner conversions, and the struggle to find truth in a polarised world.
The God of consolation
Jan 06, 2023
A good relationship with God is what has sustained me in the dark times of this year. I have never had in my imagination the punishing God that many Catholics secretly worship and try to appease.
A woman after God’s own heart
Mar 11, 2022
In these times, there is so much literature and self-help books marketed to women. If a woman has an issue, there are at least 10 books to help her with it.
The duality of life and prayer
Feb 11, 2022
The dual nature of Jesus is something I have always been fascinated by. I have no problems believing that He is true God and true Man.
Sunday Reflection
The miracle begins when the wine runs out
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Rawi Alexander, OFM, Cap