Word Made Fresh
Fallen or Chosen
Aug 02, 2024
It is easy for us to cling on to aspirations of being in high places, whether of a worldly nature or even those considered noble and worthy within the Church, and get disappointed or upset when we find ourselves far away from those places, and even jealous of those who are there. Yet, Jesus Himself did not cling on to His divinity, but humbled Himself in obedience to become one of us on the ground.
Looking through my Father’s eyes
Apr 04, 2024
Let us reverse the ways of the world, and let our lives reveal to others the truth of how God our Father sees us, and how we can see others in the same glorious light.
When the blind brought me sight
Feb 02, 2024
In Scripture, Jesus often chooses the poor, the blind, the tax collectors, the prostitutes, or the rejected to reveal greater truths for people who may seem to be materially rich, physically well, or well accepted in society, but may actually be spiritually poor or spiritually blind to the more imp
Picture not so perfect
Dec 22, 2023
Before religious painters or commercial card makers started portraying the nativity scene as one of awe and beauty, glitz and glamour, the actual scene where Christ was first born was far from picture perfect
Rest awhile
Nov 24, 2023
Resting in God can take many forms, and can be done through quick and simple ways at any time of the day, even in the harshest of storms.
Pray with clay
Oct 27, 2023
“Go down to the potter’s house and there you will hear what I have to say.” (Jeremiah 18:2)
Safety first (before Salvation)
Sep 22, 2023
When we can turn back to Christ and experience safety, love and acceptance from Him, and no longer see others or situations as a sign of danger, can we better process His truths and respond to others in a more loving and life-giving way.
Being the exception
Aug 25, 2023
We were not made to conform but be transformed to our true and amazing selves. The sooner we discover how exceptional we are, the sooner perhaps we learn to accept and celebrate the exceptions around us, the way Jesus did.
Prayer through seeing
Jul 21, 2023
Prayer as “the opening of one’s heart and mind to God.” If we also learn to open our eyes and be open to how God might be speaking to us through the things around us, we can actually be praying for as long as our eyes, hearts and minds remain open to His presence and truth.
Sunday Reflection
Change begins with us
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD