Papal Mongolia Visit

  • Praying for peace together in Mongolia on the Day of the Lord

    Sep 04, 2023

    On his penultimate day in Mongolia, Pope Francis raises a cry through the upper opening of a ger, reminding humanity that “we are all God's nomads, pilgrims in search of happiness, wayfarers thirsting for love."

  • Mongolia’s House of Mercy ‘not a house: A home!’

    Sep 04, 2023

    The director of Ulaanbaatar’s “House of Mercy”, blessed by Pope Francis on Monday before departing from Mongolia, says that with the Pope’s blessing, “we continue his will and his love for the poor.”

  • Pope in Mongolia: May religions cultivate dialogue, harmony, hope

    Sep 04, 2023

    Presiding over an ecumenical and interreligious event in Mongolia, Pope Francis insists that religions have a great responsibility, and encourages religious leaders to pursue dialogue and harmony while avoiding scandal.

  • Pope in Mongolia: Church must constantly proclaim Jesus

    Sep 04, 2023

    Speaking with Catholic ministers in Ulaanbaatar’s Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul, Pope Francis recalls that Jesus is the Good News whom the Church must proclaim to all peoples, saying that God frequently speaks to us in a "low whisper that takes its time."

  • The ripening fruit of God’s love in Mongolia

    Sep 04, 2023

    Pope Francis’s meeting with bishops, priests, missionaries, consecrated men and women, and pastoral workers represents a new beginning for Mongolia's young Church that bears fruit ripening on the steppes.

  • Pope Francis’ historic visit to Mongolia

    Sep 01, 2023

    Pope Francis continually calls Catholics to go to the “peripheries,” and that is exactly what he did on August 31 when he boarded a plane to Mongolia for an official trip, making him the first Pope to visit this Asian nation.

  • Pope Francis arrives in Mongolia

    Sep 01, 2023

    Pope Francis has arrived in Mongolia‘s capital, Ulaanbaatar, effectively kicking off his 43 international Apostolic Journey that ends on 4 September.

  • Pope Francis kicks off Apostolic Journey to Mongolia

    Sep 01, 2023

    Pope Francis departs from Rome aboard the papal plane as he begins his Apostolic Journey to Mongolia, and tells journalists traveling with him that Mongolia can teach us to embrace silence.

  • Pope’s visit 'a testament to Mongolia’s openness to the world'

    Sep 01, 2023

    A political analyst engaged in helping Mongolia implement democracy and human rights shines a light on the current socio-political challenges in the country, and upholds its commitment to protect freedom of religion and the rights of religious minorities.

  • Verbist Care Center: Nurturing hope for abandoned children in Mongolia

    Sep 01, 2023

    As the Mongolian capital, Ulaanbaatar, awaits the arrival of Pope Francis, a beacon of hope shines brightly in the city - the Verbist Care Center (VCC), which provides a sanctuary for poor and abandoned children and is run by the Missionaries of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.