Altar servers learn to be leaders of the church

Sixty-eight servers from all three language groups from the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (NBVM) attended a two-day altar servers’ camp at the church compound organised by Gerald and Anncelia, the advisors of the Nativity Altar Servers, from March 25-26.

Apr 21, 2017

By Sheila Rose Darmaraj
Sixty-eight servers from all three language groups from the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (NBVM) attended a two-day altar servers’ camp at the church compound organised by Gerald and Anncelia, the advisors of the Nativity Altar Servers, from March 25-26. The camp was facilitated by Bro Leo Elias, a seminarian from St Peter’s College, Kuching, Sarawak.

The first day began with an adventurous endeavour of setting up camps in the compound of the church. Bro Leo wanted the servers to experience the outdoor activity of setting up a camp and working as a team. For some, it seemed an easy task but for others, it was an arduous activity indeed. Following that was an interesting ice-breaking game and lunch. More fun was included with a biblical quiz and station games.

Bro Leo gave his first session on the life of two saints: St Theresa of Lisieux and St Ignatius of Loyola at a bonfire in the evening. St Theresa responded to her vocation at the early age of 15, while St Ignatius was a soldier who chose to serve God instead. He hoped that their lives would resonate in the hearts of the servers. He explained that saints are ordinary people who led extraordinary lives. He said that praying with the saints originated from the Jewish tradition of honouring prophets. He further explained that Catholics keep pictures of saints, just as we keep pictures of our loved ones, as a reminder of our closeness to them. He also introduced them to their patron saints. He urged them to find out the meaning behind their names and read up on the lives of those saints. After that, the servers presented a skit and a dance. The night ended with a prayer.

The next day began with Mass. After Mass, the session was on Holy Week. Bro Leo reminded them that, as servers, they are leaders of the church and thus need to know and understand the significance of everything that takes place in preparation and during Mass. He showed them a clip of the video beginning with Palm Sunday up to Easter. He then prodded them on the meaning of the palm, to which the servers responded that it symbolised peace, joy and victory of Christ entering Jerusalem. They also unanimously responded that Jesus rode on a donkey as a symbol of humility. The colour of the vestment for Palm Sunday is red, symbolizing redemption through the blood of Christ.

He further explained that Holy Thursday is a celebration to remind us of the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus.The act of washing of the feet is to instill in us the spirit of serving others. He added that, on Good Friday, Jesus died for us. Jesus was abandoned, denied, betrayed and mocked and yet he forgave everyone. “In Christian life, we will face a lot of difficulties” he said, “but we need to find a way to forgive.” Holy Saturday is a time to renew our baptismal vows. On Easter Sunday, we celebrate the resurrection of Christ — a new life. Seven weeks from Easter, they would celebrate Pentecost.

Many of the servers commented that they enjoyed the session and the games. They learned that camping is not easy nor comfy but still an experience. They also enjoyed making new friends.

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