British Ambassador to Holy See: Happy birthday, Vatican Radio!

The British Ambassador to the Holy See, Sally Axworthy, offers a brief message for Vatican Radio on its 90th anniversary.

Feb 13, 2021

ROME: Sally Axworthy, British Ambassador to the Holy See, says "the Radio has been a great partner for the Embassy and for me personally while I've been here."

She was speaking with Francesca Merlo on the occasion of Vatican Radio's 90th anniversary, which is celebrated on Friday, 12 February 2021.

"I love the fact that Vatican Radio covers many of the stories that some other parts of the press don't cover," she says, adding that its broadcasts often give listeners a view of what's going on in parts of the world that are not in the spotlight of mainstream press outlets. 

"I also love the fact that it covers many of the positive stories," she adds, offering the examples of "what religious sisters do" and "the good work the Church does."

"So," she concludes, "Happy birthday, Vatican Radio!"––Vatican News

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