Highlights of Pope Francis’ second day in Iraq

As Pope Francis continues his Apostolic Journey to Iraq, we highlight the many colorful moments of his second day in the Middle Eastern nation.

Mar 07, 2021

BAGHDAD: The Pope spent much of Saturday in the air, touching down in three Iraqi cities.

He left Baghdad early, around 5:30 AM, to fly to Najaf, where he met privately with Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, one of the leading figures in Shia Islam.

Pope Francis then returned to the sky to head to Nassiriya, where he traveled by car to Ur of the Chaldeans.

There, in a venue set up next to what tradition says is the house of Abraham, the Pope held a meeting with representatives of the three Abrahamic religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

After an interreligious prayer, he flew back to Baghdad for lunch and a brief rest.

The final event on the pilgrim Pope’s schedule for Saturday was the celebration of the Divine Liturgy at the Chaldean Cathedral of St. Joseph.––Vatican News

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