Against all odds: Good Shepherd camp a success

The lead-up to the annual Good Shepherd Youth Camp 2024 was filled with uncertainty, a lack of direction, and a sense of hopelessness.

Dec 21, 2024

KUALA LUMPUR: The lead-up to the annual Good Shepherd Youth Camp 2024 was filled with uncertainty, a lack of direction, and a sense of hopelessness. With chaotic planning and the camp being held within the church rather than the expected outdoor venue, many feared the camp would not succeed. Yet, in His infinite wisdom, God’s providence prevailed, turning the event into a resounding success against all odds.

The camp kicked off on Friday night with an ice-breaking session to help participants get to know each other, followed by a vibrant time of praise and worship to set the tone for the weekend. After supper, attendees had the option to watch a movie or socialise outdoors, creating a relaxed atmosphere before the heavier schedule on the following day.

Saturday was the heart of the camp. The day’s programme was led by Alvin Teoh, a parishioner with vast experience in giving sessions for young people. His sessions delved into powerful topics: discerning God’s voice over the world, understanding the spiritual battle for our souls, and hearing the inspiring testimonies of individuals who had experienced God’s transformative grace.

The most impactful moment of the camp came during the inner healing session, where participants confronted their deepest wounds and surrendered them to God. While this writer did not experience a dramatic change, watching others, particularly those who had previously dismissed spiritual matters, undergo a visible transformation was a moving and powerful experience.

On the third day, the camp coincided with World Youth Day, and the youth participants took the lead in animating the Mass, from serving as hospitality ministers to singing in the choir. A highlight of the day was the Mass for the Feast of Christ the King, during which the youth choir, composing of both English and BM-speaking youth, filled the church with their passion and energy, creating a memorable and uplifting experience.

The camp concluded with a heartfelt session led by former youth member Junior Jacob Jude John, where youth from Peninsular Malaysia and East Malaysia exchanged stories about their upbringing. The final moments of the camp saw participants exchanging love letters and taking a group photo to commemorate the event.

While the camp may have come to an end, the memories, experiences, and, most importantly, the bonds formed will last for a long time. It is the hope that the youth of Good Shepherd Church will carry the momentum from this camp into the future, continuing to build a vibrant, united community of faith in the year ahead. --Jayden Pradeep

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