AOHD visits Rawang parish

The Archdiocesan Office for Human Development (AOHD) director Dr Gary Liew and team made a pit-stop at the Church of St Jude to meet the members of the Parish Integral Human Development Ministry, July 29.

Aug 11, 2023

By Mercy Almeida
The Archdiocesan Office for Human Development (AOHD) director Dr Gary Liew and team made a pit-stop at the Church of St Jude to meet the members of the Parish Integral Human Development Ministry, July 29.

After a simple fellowship, Gary, in his opening address said that he and his team are prepared to listen, dialogue and discern with ministry members.

They then broke into various subgroups to discuss matters concerning the organisation. Several veterans in the ministry shared their experiences in doing their best for the lost, the last, the least and the little.

Some senior members raised questions concerning the poor and the migrants, which Gary answered.

The AOHD team then shared a short video presentation depicting AOHD’s mission and vision. Having been around for 31 years, AOHD wants to look into the grey areas where the poor are living in limbo, with no parishes to help them or are between boundaries. AOHD wishes to aid poor parishes that have many such cases. They also wish to focus on the social, mental and wellbeing of these poor by trying to provide a dignified living environment for them.

In closing, Gary quoted St Mother Theresa, “We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes (churches) to remedy this kind of poverty.” Gary aims to visit the 45 parishes in the archdiocese to help him and the team achieve their mission.

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