Bridging communities through care for the vulnerable

The Ministry for Migrants and Itinerants of the Archdiocesan Office for Human Development worked together with the KL South District to organise a mobile clinic in a remote area of Kuala Lumpur on March 16.

Apr 04, 2024

Volunteers from all races and religions lending a helping hand at the mobile clinic.

By Josephine Tey
The Ministry for Migrants and Itinerants of the Archdiocesan Office for Human Development worked together with the KL South District to organise a mobile clinic in a remote area of Kuala Lumpur on March 16.

The objective was to bring medical assistance to the vulnerable and this time we chose to extend our tent to the Cambodian Muslim community. ‘Being God’s people is a gift for everyone, not just a privilege for us’ (Pope Francis).

This initiative not only brought believers together but also showcased their faith through acts of compassion and service.

Various individuals from the parishes and groups, including NGOs like Malaysian Red Crescent Society (MRCS) and Our Journey (OJ), businessmen and associations, health practitioners, doctors, youths, migrants and refugees, participated in this event. The sense of solidarity was evident as people dedicated their time, made donations, and offered prayers.

A group of volunteers from various parishes and districts who signed up for this programme gathered for breakfast and prayer before leaving from the Church of the Sacred Heart, Jalan Peel. Although Archbishop Julian Leow was not physically present, he showed his support by sending his blessings.

Fr Christopher Soosaipillai, ecclesiastical assistant for the Migrants and Itinerants ministry, reminded everyone to allow God to lead, knowing that everything is ultimately for His glory. Over 80 families and an estimated 130 people, consisting of women, men and children, benefited from the drive, with food packs distributed at the last station.

Despite being from different walks of life, backgrounds, countries and religion, the 50 volunteers, including parishes, MRCS, Migrant and Refugee communities, and Community members, worked well together. It is possible for humans to collaborate and construct our shared abode (LS, no. 13). The drive started at 10.30am and ended at 4.30pm with a closing prayer thanking God for the fruitful experiences. Despite the heat and challenges faced, both giver and receiver were filled with joy as they left the place. Every small action can make a big difference in spreading happiness in our family, community, friends, and society. Let us all continue to be sowers of love, joy, peace and hope to humanity as it does not cost us much. Let us not grow weary of doing good for, in due season, we will reap, if we do not give up – Galatians 6:9

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