Bumiputera undergraduates celebrate Ponggal in Catholic Mission, Terengganu
Ethnic bumiputeras from Sabah and Sarawak joined their Chinese and Indian friends to celebrate the harvest festival of Ponggal at the Catholic Mission in Lorong Sultan Omar.
Feb 09, 2017

By Adrian David
Ethnic bumiputeras from Sabah and Sarawak joined their Chinese and Indian friends to celebrate the harvest festival of Ponggal at the Catholic Mission in Lorong Sultan Omar.
Led by parish priest Fr Alan Pereira, the congregation, comprising a majority of undergraduates studying at Terengganu’s universities, took part in the traditional boiling of rice in sweetened milk in a clay pot.
Community elder Angelique Pakiam, from the Terengganu Indian Association, organised the ceremony complete with sugar cane and banana tree decorations at the mission’s Formation House.
The female undergraduates were resplendent in colourful sarees.
The congregation were treated to a sumptuous luncheon prepared by the parishioners, with the undergraduates performing various Indian dances.
Earlier, Fr Alan led the weekly Mass with prayers for a peaceful year and sending his wishes to those celebrating Chinese New Year.
The event gave the ‘Visit Beautiful Terengganu Year 2017’ an added meaning.
The undergraduates are also active in the community gotong-royong to help keep the city’s surroundings, including the beaches of Batu Burok, clean.
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