Double talk, double standards that make Malaysians burn

Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Nancy Shukri's written parliamentary reply on behalf of the prime minister speaks volumes about the double talk and double standards in enforcing the law in Malaysia.

Oct 17, 2014

How much weight does ‘1Malaysia’ carry when prosecution is arbitrary and persecution mandatory for those who criticise the government? How did we get here, when Datuk Ibrahim Ali's threat of burning Malay Bibles is not seen as an offence just because it appears that he was defending the sanctity of Islam?

Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Nancy Shukri's written parliamentary reply on behalf of the prime minister speaks volumes about the double talk and double standards in enforcing the law in Malaysia.

There has been some outrage but not enough to tell Putrajaya that there cannot be double standards for those who can simply threaten and get away with their threats in the name of religion.

The sad fact of what is happening in Malaysia is that the government of the day appears to have forgotten the concepts of justice and fairness.

Some people are hauled up, others aren't.

Prosecution appears arbitrary, persecution appears mandatory for the few who are critical of the government.

And this is a sure way for the implosion of what has been built up through the years. People are tired of the double standards and see that the government is only interested in protecting the few and prosecuting the rest.

Sometimes, it is in the name of religion, and sometimes in the name of race. Would they do the same if it involved militants who also said they were defending the sanctity of Islam? Where does one draw the line?

The thing is, this short-cut shiok sendiri syndrome is causing irrevocable damage to Malaysia and no amount of slogans can help.

No amount of saying “1Malaysia” will delude people into thinking we are one happy nation.

No amount of proclaiming we are moderates will lull people into believing that the extremists and the far right fringe have no say in national discourse. They do, because they get away with their threats.

Is it any wonder why people don't trust the government these days? Is there any reason to trust a government that closes one eye over such threats and is deaf to appeals from the minorities in the country?

The Federal Constitution says that all are equal before the law. But we need to practise it without any double talk. Until then, we burn at these double standards.

Source: The Malaysian Insider

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