Food for Thought

In 2007, in America magazine, Jesuit Father Daniel J. Harrington wrote not just about the duty of a shepherd but also about the role and duty of the "flock."

Aug 26, 2015

In 2007, in America magazine, Jesuit Father Daniel J. Harrington wrote not just about the duty of a shepherd but also about the role and duty of the "flock."

Our relationship with the Good Shepherd is "individual and communal," he wrote. We all hear his call. We belong to him.

"That makes us important," Father Harrington said.

The early church fathers grew that flock and our modern-day shepherds continue in that role today, sometimes with a larger and more socially diverse flock.

"An analogous challenge facing the church in the 21st century is to develop more perfectly into a world church that respects, embraces and nurtures all those who have heeded the call of the Good Shepherd," Father Harrington said.

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