Food for Thought

In his 2014 Christmas message, Pope Francis reminded us to remember at Christmas those who suffer in the world, particularly people in areas of conflict.

Dec 22, 2015

In his 2014 Christmas message, Pope Francis reminded us to remember at Christmas those who suffer in the world, particularly people in areas of conflict. A year later, that message hasn't lost its timing or its need.

He made special mention of children "who are victims of violence, made objects of trade and trafficking, or forced to become soldiers; children, so many abused children."

In 2012, Pope Benedict XVI also expressed similar concerns but reminded the faithful that Jesus is what brings us hope, even as the world faces problems that sometimes seem insurmountable.

"Kindness and truth, justice and peace have met," Pope Benedict said. "They have become incarnate in the child born of Mary in Bethlehem. That child is the son of God; he is God appearing in history. His birth is a flowering of new life for all humanity. May every land become a good earth that receives and brings forth kindness and truth, justice and peace."


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