
The first two days focused on friendship, building relationships and recollection. Friendship is to give and take relationship. It is sharing things like feelings, plans, and dreams.

Jan 26, 2019

Malaysian Catholic Clergy Assembly: DAY 2

The first two days focused on friendship, building relationships and recollection. Friendship is to give and take relationship. It is sharing things like feelings, plans, and dreams.

To make and keep a friend, you have to give as well as take. We must realise that we will sometimes disagree with our friends. Nobody agrees all the time. Disagreements do not have to mean the end of a relationship.

We need to give space to our friends, as almost everyone likes to be alone sometimes. We need to give our friends space to have other friends too. Be choosy about your friends. Real friends will not ask you to do things that are harmful and against the law. Let people know that you are interested in them.

Do not just talk about yourself. Ask questions about them too.

What can friendship offer?

-- It offers us Ways and Opportunities to Share our Joys and Sorrows
-- It enables us to Find Humour in Laughter
-- It helps us to Learn New Skills
-- It helps us Find Understanding and Support
-- It recognises ways to Feel Needed and Useful
-- It allows us to Be Ourselves — Unique Persons
-- It enables us to care for others
-- It helps us experience JESUS

What makes a good friendship?

Good friendship is:
Shared Intrests
Shared Values

How to make friends?
-- Be cheerful. Smile. Don’t always wait for the other person to speak first.
-- Realise you will sometimes disagree with your friend. Nobody agrees all the time.

Disagreements don’t have to mean the end of a relationship.
-- Go where people are. Most friends you make will be people who have the same interests you.
– Be yourself. No one is perfect. Your friends won’t expect you to be, so it is best to just be yourself.


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