Important to be humble and imitate Christ’s virtues

The Church of the Good Shepherd celebrated the initiation of 49 children into the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist on Nov 4.

Nov 24, 2017

By Monica William
The Church of the Good Shepherd celebrated the initiation of 49 children into the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist on Nov 4. Children from all the language groups as well as from the Rite of Christian Initiation for Children (RCIC), came together to receive Christ for the first time. The celebration was animated by the children themselves. Parents, godparents and dedicated catechists had worked tirelessly to prepare the children to undertake this journey of faith.

The Mass was celebrated by parish priest, Fr Christopher Soosaipillai. He echoed the Gospel message of humility, relating it to our call as Christians, by virtue of our baptism to be prophet, priest and king. Each one of us, as baptised Catholics, is called to embody these three roles and duties in our daily lives. We are called to speak as prophets, bringing the Word of God to others.

In our role as priest, we share our experiences, love and knowledge. Fr Chris also shared on the importance of imitating Christ. Christ never claimed equality with God, despite being the Son of God. He lived a life of humility and presented himself as a servant who came to give life to all.

“An important lesson that Jesus taught us at the cross is about forgiveness. This is a lesson that we should strive to always remember and practise in our Christian lives. The exhaltation of self in pride calls for the soul to be humble. As Scripture says, ‘Anyone who raises himself up will be humbled, and anyone who humbles himself will be raised up.’”(Matthew 23: 12).

As the celebration came to an end, the children presented a song of thanksgiving. The hymn, God is dwelling in my heart echoed throughout the church.

After Mass, a simple potluck fellowship was held at the church canteen. Certificates and gifts were also given out to the communicants by Fr Chris.

Indeed, these children would not have made it thus far without the grace of God, coupled with the dedication of parents and teachers who continue to share the gift of faith with them.

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