Love & Life Kick-Start 2024

Love & Life Kick-Start 2024 was held from March 11 to 16 at the Church of St Francis of Assisi, with the theme, For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. (Jeremiah 29:11).

Apr 19, 2024

CHERAS: Love & Life Kick-Start 2024 was held from March 11 to 16 at the Church of St Francis of Assisi, with the theme, For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. (Jeremiah 29:11).

This programme delves into aspects of identity and relationships with God and others. It covered topics such as self-discovery, the meaning of Mass, relationships with others, the Church, and the world. Participants also engaged in various forms of prayer and spiritual experiences, including Taizé prayer, contemplative prayer, praise and worship, and the Way of the Cross. Community-building activities like station games and scavenger hunts emphasised the importance of community and collaboration.

A significant highlight for the young participants was the presence of Archbishop Julian Leow, who spoke about the Church as their ‘Home’. Over tea and snacks, the archbishop discussed the baptismal role of each person and their importance to the body of Christ. Participants had the opportunity to ask questions about his vocation and life, leading to candid and heartfelt exchanges. The session concluded with the young people praying for their shepherd.

The Love & Life programme will be an annual event for young people in the postconfirmation category. Follow ASAYOKL on Instagram (@asayo_kl) for updates on future Love & Life events.

Here are some testimonies by the Love & Life Kick-start 2024 participants:

“Before attending Love & Life, I was drawn in by its intriguing title and the mention in the church bulletin. Curiosity led me to experience it firsthand. During the initial days, nervousness engulfed me, but as the camp progressed, I found myself immersed in meaningful interactions with fellow participants and facilitators. The enforced disconnect from our devices, though brutal at first, proved liberating, allowing genuine connections to flourish. This experience taught me resilience and the value of stepping out of my comfort zone.

After Love & Life, its profound impact lingers, leaving me with a sense of belonging to a newfound family. The camp was a transformative journey of learning, particularly in life skills and embracing unfamiliar roles. Amidst the messiness of first-time endeavours, I discovered clarity in identifying my strengths and how to serve God with them.

While the days progressed and were generally uplifting, there were still moments of challenge and introspection. These instances, though mixed, added depth to the overall experience and reinforced the importance of perseverance and growth.

Personally, what touched me deeply was the opportunity to deepen my understanding of the Catholic faith. Throughout my life, I struggled to grasp its teachings, but the sessions provided during the camp offered a starting point for me to unravel its depth. Despite the gradual nature of comprehension, each session felt like a step closer to God.

Looking ahead, my hope for the future is to maintain a curiosity about the Catholic faith and allow God to guide me further. I'm encouraged by the abundance of resources available to deepen my understanding and strengthen my relationship with God. May other young people embark on similar journeys of discovery and find fulfilment in their faith. — Natalia Hiew, Church of St Ignatius

“Love & Life (LNL) was something I only recently became aware of, despite the fact that it had been around for years. I was quite delighted to be preparing for a camp outside of my church for the first time. The prospect of being away from home, making new friends, and learning new things made it even more exciting.

When the day finally arrived, everything was a breath of fresh air. I was in a new parish with folks I didn't know. As the days progressed, not only did I participate in a variety of enjoyable activities, but I was also introduced to new concepts like the value of each step taken in Mass and how to discern and make decisions in three simple stages. The Mass explained and receiving the Body and Blood of Christ was certainly the icing on the cake. In addition, the meals prepared were excellent; it's as if God was always feeding me. I never went hungry.

As the camp came to an end, not only did I feel sad, but so did everyone else. We didn’t want to leave because we had just formed this new bond. We were like a family, not by blood, but because of the promise we made with God.

Throughout the camp, I learned not only about myself, but also about love, how the Catholic church perceives love, God’s love for us, how love is linked to life and cannot be separated, and how it affects both families and friends. These three components work together to keep the church strong. And they are God, myself, and those around me. Learning this in a deeper way moved me.

What I wish for in the future is that more young people participate in LNL. Yes, it may appear to be simply another ordinary church camp with sessions and such; but, set that thinking away for a moment. At the end of the day, what we remember most are the friends we made, the inside jokes, and most importantly, the insight into ourselves and our relationship with Jesus Christ. With that in mind, go to camp and feel the same delight and excitement that I did. You'll end up saying, “Please, extend?” — Yesmin Nesarajah, Church of the Holy Redeemer, Klang.

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