Mission is testimony – it is giving pure air to those who live in the pollution of the world

Pope Francis celebrated Mass in St Peter’s Basilica Oct 20, the 93rd World Mission Day. Participants to the Synod for the Amazon were also present.

Oct 26, 2019

VATICAN: Pope Francis celebrated Mass in St Peter’s Basilica Oct 20, the 93rd World Mission Day. Participants to the Synod for the Amazon were also present.

In his address, the pontiff said that the mission is a testimony of a good life, a life of service, one of giving “pure and fresh to those immersed in the pollution of the world". It means “to show by our lives, and perhaps even by our words, that God loves everyone and never tires of anyone.”

The Day, he said during the Angelus, “is a favourable opportunity for every baptised person to become more aware of the need to cooperate in proclaiming the Kingdom of God through a renewed commitment.”

Before the Marian prayer, Francis said that one hundred years ago Benedict XV “promulgated the Apostolic Letter Maximum illud to give new impetus to the missionary responsibility of the whole Church.”

“In today’s changed context, Benedict XV’s message is still current and encourages us to overcome the temptation of seeking selfreferential closure and every form of pastoral pessimism”. Instead, it allows us “to open ourselves to the joyful novelty of the Gospel.”

“In our time, marked by a globalisation that should be supportive and respectful of the character of peoples, but instead still suffers from homogenisation and old power conflicts that fuel wars and ruin the planet, believers are called at this time to bring everywhere, with new enthusiasm, the good news that mercy overcomes sin in Jesus, hope overcomes fear, brotherhood overcomes hostility. Christ is our peace and in Him every division is overcome, in him there is only the salvation of every human being and every people.” -- AsiaNews

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