Pope establishes World Day for the Poor

Pope Francis, In his Apostolic Letter Misericordia et Misera, (Mercy and Misery),, declares again and again that “this is the time for mercy for each

Nov 24, 2016

By Gerard O’Connell
Pope Francis, In his Apostolic Letter Misericordia et Misera, (Mercy and Misery),, declares again and again that “this is the time for mercy for each and all of us.

It is because those who are weak and vulnerable, distant and alone, ought to feel the presence of brothers and sisters who can help them in their need.”

He calls for the celebration throughout the Catholic world of A World Day for the Poor. It is the time of mercy, he concluded, “because the poor should feel that they are regarded with respect and concern by others who have overcome indifference and discovered what is essential in life”. Thus they can all feel the welcoming embrace of the Father.”--America

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