Teluk Intan parish commissions 27 new servers

The Parish of St Anthony celebrated the Third Sunday of Easter with the commissioning of 27 new servers during the 9.15am English Mass.

May 25, 2019

By Patrick Gerard Au
The Parish of St Anthony celebrated the Third Sunday of Easter with the commissioning of 27 new servers during the 9.15am English Mass.

In the Gospel of the day, we are challenged with three levels of love namely EROS — love based on’feelings’ which may not last even a second, PHILEO or brotherly love which will last a little longer than EROS and, lastly, AGAPE which is sacrificial love that leads us to the Cross. If you ask a person the same question more than once, he/she may be agitated or angry. Jesus asked Peter, “Do you love me?” three times to raise the level of Peter’s love for Him and to balance Peter’s denial before Jesus’ crucifixion three times. Only through the Eucharist can we achieve the third level of love — AGAPE. The Eucharist gives us the strength to fulfill this AGAPE love.

Fr David Lourdes thanked Mrs Iruthimary John for preparing the 27 young servers for the parish. Fr David also thanked those who donated cassocks for the 27 servers.

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