Voices of Faith: Sr Simone bringing Catholic social teaching to life

American Sr Simone Campbell is one of the participants in the Voices of Faith event in the Vatican marking international women's day

Mar 09, 2017

VATICAN CITY: ‘Stirring the Waters: making the impossible possible’ is the theme for an event taking place in the Vatican on Wednesday to mark international women’s day.

The annual ‘Voices of Faith’ event is jointly organised this year by the Fidel Gotz Foundation and by Jesuit Refugee Services. It features the voices of Catholic women working to build leadership for justice and peacemaking in many different countries and cultural contexts.

Among those taking part this year is American Sister Simone Campbell, better known as ‘the nun on the bus’.  A member of the Benedictine-inspired Sisters of Social Service, she’s a lawyer, serving as executive director of Network, the Washington DC based National Catholic Social Justice Lobby.

In 2012, she and some of the sisters in her community toured parts of the United States on a bus to draw attention to their work with the poor and to protest planned aid cuts.

She talked to Philippa Hitchen about her message for this international women’s day and about the intersection of religious and political concerns in her campaign work.--Vatican Radio


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