Youth in Action in a Synodal Church

The Penang Diocesan Youth Network (PDYN) organised the Penang Diocesan Youth Forum Youth in Action in a Synodal Church at the Church of the Immaculate Conception (ICC), September 14.

Oct 12, 2019

By Jeffry Christopher
The Penang Diocesan Youth Network (PDYN) organised the Penang Diocesan Youth Forum Youth in Action in a Synodal Church at the Church of the Immaculate Conception (ICC), September 14. It was organised to provide a platform for the young people to discourse about Christus Vivit, the post synodal apostolic exhortation in response to the Ordinary Synod on Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment. The whole event was also telecast live at various parishes in the diocese.

The day began with praise and worship. The welcoming address was given by the parish priest of IC, Fr Jude Miranda, who briefly explained the forum’s title. He stressed on the importance of the youth as the hands of Jesus in the world, and the shift in the role of the Church to be a listening Church towards the young people.

Following that, Fr Simon Anand presented the salient points of Christus Vivit, which translates into Christ is Alive. He introduced the four role models that the Holy Father provided for the young people, namely the ever young Jesus, the Church, Mary of Nazareth and the young saints. Then a panel of five people interacted with the youth on various aspects of the Christus Vivit such as what makes Christ alive in each of us, the use of media in doing our mission and the like.

In the afternoon, Fr Michael Raymond OFM Cap guided the youth through the process of accompanying a friend in need, namely Loss, Presence, Invitation, Communion and Mission. Then, a panel consisting of six individuals, including Bishop Sebastian Francis, interacted with the young people on topics related to vocation and discernment. The panel represented a variety of vocations, making it convenient for the audience to ask questions burning in them.

Later, Bishop Sebastian concluded the forum by stressing on the three fundamental truths of our faith as outlined by the Holy Father: that God loves you, Jesus saves you and Christ is alive. The forum ended with a prayer, where the young people responded affirmatively to the mission they were called to carry out in the world.

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