Called & Chosen Vocation Camp
From Nov 24 to 26, the Diocese of Melaka Johor Vocation Promotion Team and Youth Ministry collaborated to hold their first Vocation Camp for men called, ‘Called & Chosen’.
Dec 04, 2014

JOHOR (Herald Malaysia): From Nov 24 to 26, the Diocese of Melaka Johor Vocation Promotion Team and Youth Ministry collaborated to hold their first Vocation Camp for men called, ‘Called & Chosen’. While the Mandarin-speaking youths spent the entire three days with the priests, the 28 English speaking youths, representing six parishes, gathered in MAJODI Centre.
On the first day, Deacon Adrian and the Youth Ministers Matthew Wee and Pius Kallang welcomed the participants. In the first session, Deacon laid the foundation and probed the question ‘Why are you a Catholic?’ For Casien Sta Maria from Melaka, this was the most memorable session; ‘I was naive and couldn’t answer when deacon asked us the many questions. This session taught us quite a lot!’
Generally, the most memorable moments at the camp were the Mass and the Adoration. For some it was the first time that they had experienced the presence of the Lord in the silence. The Taize songs and the reflections by the priests also helped the young people to keep the focus. Fr Lionel also preached movingly on the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, and this sense of reverence was kept throughout the camp, even as the young people knelt to receive the Precious Body and Blood during Communion.
The young people were also very privileged to have Fr Ignatius Huan speak to them. Although the subject was deep and there was a concern that it may be too heavy for the younger ones, surprisingly a majority of the participants shared that the talk on Service and Sacrifice touched them a lot. Other speakers like Frs Michael Teng OFM, Edward Rayappan and Msgr James also gave very meaty material for the youths to gain a better understanding of the priesthood.
On the second day, participants were divided and followed the priests on their daily routine. Some priests brought the young people to their parish, others went to the Cathedral. Some went to a house for anointing of the sick, others watched a movie on St Francis. Some went to visit Bishop Paul Tan who was at the hospital, others had a good meal at the shopping centre. It was a great experience and there was a request for longer time with the priests and even to have an outdoor game with the priests!
At the end of the camp, the participants indicated in their evaluation forms, a request to know more about the different religious orders. Bonds of friendships were made as the participants expressed their desire to come for future Vocation Camps.
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