Charismatic leaders attend annual retreat

The annual Charismatic leaders’ retreat organized by the Diocesan Service Team was held in Cameron Highlands from May 16-18.

Jun 05, 2014

By Josephine Navis
The annual Charismatic leaders’ retreat organized by the Diocesan Service Team was held in Cameron Highlands from May 16-18. This retreat was attended by 19 prayer group leaders from the various churches in the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur. The theme was Be Still and Know... The retreat master was Fr Stanislaus Soosamariam who is also the new Ecclesiastical Assistant of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.

Quoting Psalm 46:10, the participants were asked to reflect on the importance of leaders taking time away from activities and experiencing God in the emptiness and in the stillness. In this time of emptiness one is able to experience the presence of God deep within and this will help one uncover new ways, new solutions to life’s endless struggles. Quoting Aristotle, the great Greek philosopher who suggested that men’s never ending quest to find happiness in this life is futile and how perfect happiness can only be found when one finds God, the participants reflected on their own journey in search of happiness. Elaborating further on St Augustine’s profound quote “You have made us for yourself, O Lord and our hearts are restless until it rests in you”, it was further explained that Jesus himself revealed this truth when he said “I am the way, the truth and the life”.

Fr Stan quoted various verses in the Old and New Testament and the participants reflected on how the Holy Spirit who is truly God, the third person of the Holy Trinity ,aids us continuously in discovering this beautiful God who resides within us. It was further stressed that in order for us to grow in grace we need to continuously give up something that is precious to us. In doing so one grows both in faith and in grace and the prayer that escapes our lips does not remain as lip service but is from the heart and thus pleasing to God. When we pray, when we profess our creed, when we read the Word of God we come in contact with God, who is our true source of joy and happiness; when we partake in the celebration of Eucharist, we are connected to this very source of life, to the very source of our existence.

Explaining how Jesus chose to do the will of the Father by choosing to wear a crown of thorns instead of a crown of gold, the participants were further challenged to look into their own lives. We as the disciples of Jesus should always seek to submit ourselves to the will of God and in only this way can we attain complete fulfillment and find our ultimate happiness. Once we have found this truth and know without a doubt that God who is in us is faithful and that He has already won for us the crown of victory, we will be able to continuously break forth and sing a new song of love to the Lord every moment of our lives, as Saint Augustine so beautifully declared “You yourself will be His praise”.

Ample time was given for reflection and meditation. This made the retreat more meaningful and effective. The reconciliation service and the celebration of the Eucharist daily were very meaningful and enriching. The daily rosary that we prayed displayed our communion with one another and our eagerness to do the work of Christ with one mind and one heart like Mary our beloved Mother. Silent meditations and Divine office further enhanced the God-experience and a deep sense of appreciation of the richness in Catholic prayer.

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