I am a changed person
“I am a retiree just turned 74 years of age and now approaching my baptism. I enjoyed a record 100 per cent attendance at the RCIA Sunday classes since June 2013 at the Assumption Family House in Petaling Jaya.
Apr 24, 2014
“I am a retiree just turned 74 years of age and now approaching my baptism. I enjoyed a record 100 per cent attendance at the RCIA Sunday classes since June 2013 at the Assumption Family House in Petaling Jaya.
“Prior to this, my first experience with Christianity was when I was studying in a Methodist School where non-Muslim students were required to attend chapel services every Wednesday.
“When I graduated from school in 1957 at the age of 17 years, I started my working career to help my father as the family was very poor.
“During my career as an insurance executive, my time was fully taken up with work travelling a great deal and hence there was not much time available for religion. Throughout my working career until I retired in 2011, my knowledge of religion was superficial, to say the least, limited to following the practice of Chinese prayers taught by the elders without much thought to question the beliefs.
“After retiring in 2011, several relatives who were staunch Christians talked to me about the religion and convinced me to attend the RCIA class to have a deeper knowledge of Roman Catholicism.
“Besides, at this stage, both our sons had already converted to Christianity, influenced by their attending Universities in USA and Canada. This somewhat hastened my joining the RCIA to learn more about Christianity and following Jesus Christ. Besides that, I am reaching a very advanced age and if something happens to me, it would be difficult for the children to comply with other customs.
“Since joining the RCIA and learning about Jesus and the Lord, I have become a very changed person — with more tolerance, understanding and patience. I am also more religious. I have cultivated a habit of saying my prayers in the morning and at night before I go to sleep thanking the Lord Jesus Christ for His Blessings on me and the family, friends and relatives. I also pray for giving me another beautiful day! I am also at peace with the world when I attend evening Mass after each RCIA session.
“I would be remiss if I do not mention the excellent work carried out by the facilitators who without fail, every week are available for guidance and encouragement sacrificing their weekend to be with us instead of with family members. They have been very inspiring in their presentations making it easier for us to follow the various lessons. I would personally like to thank them for their patience in leading us successfully towards the end of our present journey.
“To the rest of the participants in our group, who are mostly younger, thanks for accepting and tolorating the idiosyncracies of this old man who seemed to be asking too many questions at times. BLESS YOU.” -- Robert Yong, Church of the Asumption
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