Irene was the “Iron Lady” of Asia
Even in death Irene has only proven that governments and leaders deny the truth Indeed as the sky darkened at 3.00pm as tears of loss poured down, the hearse arrived at the doorstep of the Catholic Church in Shah Alam.
Apr 11, 2014
By J. D. Lovrenciear
Even in death Irene has only proven that governments and leaders deny the truth Indeed as the sky darkened at 3.00pm as tears of loss poured down, the hearse arrived at the doorstep of the Catholic Church in Shah Alam. One could not help but feel somehow that the heavens were attesting to the fact that the long years of struggles and sacrifices carved out by the late Dr Irene Fernandez must remain as a permanent reminder that the truth, justice and love which Irene laboured for was not in vain.
Although she has been laid to eternal rest, thousands in Malaysia and from Indonesia to Bangladesh to Nepal to Philippines to Vietnam to China and in faraway lands from United States of America to Europe to Australia will remember what Irene wrote on January 19, 2014 before she departed from this world on March 31, 2014:
“No one owns God, Allah, Andavar, etc.. I am clear that it is faith in God that moves our conscience, our values, our sisterhood. Anyone who uses God’s name to control, threaten, marginalize others and seek power is not only a coward but one who obstructs truth, justice and love.
“God created all of us and it is my duty to build peace, equality and justice and I will do so let it be in the name of God, Allah, Andavar or Theviam.
“God bless the builders of peace and love. Liberation is love not fear.”
It is quite understandable why governments – including those from her own homeland — did not express their tribute to the late Irene in print or in person although she had saved thousands of citizens from the pangs of oppression, abuse, denials and victimization from all these nations.
Doing so would deem that these governments are acknowledging that there is injustice, abuse and victimization of migrant workers who are largely uneducated and came to Malaysia out of economic desperation.
But even by their very absence and absolute silence on the passing on of Irene, little did these leaders know that they have actually only further endorsed the very battles that Irene fought relentlessly.
And that is how truth shows up at the end of the tunnel despite all the denials; that is how justice prevails always despite all the manipulations; that is how love survives ultimately despite all the sins against humanity.
However, the courageous and commited civil society from all over the world poured in unending accolades of praise and recognition for this one Malaysian woman who is now remembered as the “Iron Lady” of Asia.
Leading the recognition of the selfless work of one single lady who was never cowed by all the threats and legal tussles including having to endure the impounding of her international passport, was Human Rights.
Malaysians, Indonesians, Bangladeshis, Nepalese and many more from all walks of life including those who had been saved by the championing spirit of Irene through her Tenaganita outfit, gave her a hero’s farewell as she left this world.
It is very sad for civilizations when governments and their appointed leaders do not have the courage and humility to own up to the truth. As mankind professes to have progressed by leaps and bounds, he remains haunted by his own sins of modern day slavery, abuse and victimizing of humanity all in the name of greed, selfishness, power and control.
And it takes individuals of conviction, courage and faith in God to go against the tides to stand tall in the face of adversaries, challenges, trials and tribulations as they recognize each human soul as a creature of God’s divine mercy and love.
Yes the passing on of Dr. Irene Fernandez has only encouraged many more hearts to champion for truth, justice and love for as long as mankind remains susceptible to the temptations of the Satan.
The fact that civil society from all walks of life, positions, religions and ethnic composition came to pay their last respects; the fact that many more from distant lands wrote in the many on-line media, facebook and twitter expressing their deepest thoughts and feelings for Irene Fernandez is a clear attestation that here was a woman, mother, sister, wife and friend who walked the talk and talked the walk of honour and dignity that she saw in all of God’s creation.
Misguided governments and politicians may deny the truth. Greedy forces may rob humanity of justice and love. But at the end of the journey, where else could you go but ultimately end up having to face the very truth, justice and love that you robbed your fellow humans.
For all the people in Malaysia and across borders and distant lands who recognized what this one lady had laboured for despite the adversaries, punishments, humiliation and pain; for the leaders within the Roman Catholic Church who came from far and near, to all those who were unable to say good bye but prayed in silence wherever they were in the world – indeed it is people like you who will continue to bear that torch that Irene our Iron Lady of Asia has ignited.
May Irene rest in peace while the legacy she built in a selfless manner in honour of humanity and for the love of her faith in God live on.
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