It’s a home that makes a difference
The BEC members of USJ 3 ABCD of the Church of St Thomas More, Subang Jaya, visited Persatuan Kebajikan Kanak Kanak Terencat Akal, Malaysia, located in Jalan Gasing, Petaling Jaya.
Apr 16, 2014
SUBANG JAYA (Herald Malaysia): The BEC members of USJ 3 ABCD of the Church of St Thomas More, Subang Jaya, visited Persatuan Kebajikan Kanak Kanak Terencat Akal, Malaysia, located in Jalan Gasing, Petaling Jaya. It cares for children from the age of 3 years to an adult of 42 years. They are either mentally challenged, suffering from cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, or abandoned.
There are Muslims, Chinese, Indians and others living under one roof. The Supervisor Eric, shows no sign of stress but goes about his daily task with a happy face, smiling, and full of compassion towards all in his care.
The BEC chief JM Noel said, “It’s a home that ‘makes a difference’ and an example of a truly Malaysian spirit.” Our members mingled freely with the children and adults and gave encouragement to the caregivers who are doing a splendid job. It was an educational and moving experience for all of us as we were also briefed on the daily routine and the needs of the home in order to make ends meet on a monthly basis. Eric thanked us for the gifts we brought for the home residents.
It was a timely visit which coincides with the Lent 2014 theme Touching the wounds of Jesus.
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