Priests must remain faithful to Christ
“Priests must remember and appreciate that through their consecration, they are elevated to become an alter-Christ acting in the place of Christ Himself.
Apr 16, 2014
KENINGAU (Herald Malaysia): “Priests must remember and appreciate that through their consecration, they are elevated to become an alter-Christ acting in the place of Christ Himself. They must remain faithful to the teachings, as they serve the laity. What is our commitment to those who believe in us? Are the people able to see, hear and touch Jesus through us?” asked Bishop Cornelius Piong, during the Chrism Mass at the Cathedral of St Francis Xavier on April 17.
Bishop Piong called on the people to pray for their priests to be faithful and obedient to their priestly ministry. The Prelate also asked for the congregation to pray for him as he continues to be a servant in the Diocese of Keningau. He said, “The call to be a Christian is to build the body of Christ, specifically in the Diocese of Keningau.” He stressed that we should be committed to live Christian lives either as husbands & wives, religious or single adults. He urged everyone to take advantage of Christ’s mercy during this time of Lent to evaluate and renew our devotion to Jesus Christ. He said husbands and wives should build their family around Christ and the religious must remember their commitment to poverty, chastity and to be witness to Jesus though the life that they lead.
To the priests serving in the Diocese of Keningau, he reminded them to believe that Jesus has called them. He will not leave them alone. He reiterated that priests must always remember the meaning of their ordination and that they have made a lifetime commitment to Jesus Christ through the way they live their lives.
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