The four main Pillars of the Diocese of Keningau

When he was appointed and subsequently ordained Bishop on May 6 1993, Bishop Cornelius Piong met with the priests, religious and members of the laity to reflect and plan ways to develop the diocese and after many meetings and workshops the Diocese Pastoral Plan was formed.

May 16, 2014

KENINGAU: When he was appointed and subsequently ordained Bishop on May 6 1993, Bishop Cornelius Piong met with the priests, religious and members of the laity to reflect and plan ways to develop the diocese and after many meetings and workshops the Diocese Pastoral Plan was formed. Its pastoral policies are based on its vision, mission, goals, objective and implementation policy. They are as follows :

First Pillar – Diocese of Keningau Pastoral Planning

“The People of God journeying together with Jesus Christ”

We, the People of God, of the Diocese of Keningau journeying together with Jesus Christ commit ourselves to:
-- Be faithful in prayer,
-- Living the Word of God
-- Celebrate the Sacraments,
-- Live in Communities, Promotion of Peace, Justice and Love, as well as harmony with God’s creation.

To form the community of the People of God to be committed and effective in the service of His Kingdom.

Second Pillar – General Assembly of the Laity
This is a forum where the Bishop, priests, religious and the laity representing the parish assembles meet once every three years. Their objectives are :

a) Bishop, priests, religious and laity to meet, pray, evaluate and discuss whether the people in the Diocese of Keningau are working together to develop the diocese;

b) Assess the practicalities of the pastoral planning;

c) Provide appropriate recommendations based on the current situation.

Since the Diocese of Keningau was established in May 1993, there have been nine general assemblies and its pastoral policies implemented due to proper planning and organization.

Third Pillar - Pastoral Theme
Each time the Assembly met, the focus was on the theme: Vision, Mission and Goals. The effect of the theme was to build a stronger faith in three ways: practice of the faith by going to Church; strengthening the faith; and social responsibility. All pastoral themes in the Diocese of Keningau, whether directly or indirectly, is based on the family. This means that the family is the heart of the Diocese of Keningau because the Church and the community begins with the family. (Taken from the speech of Bishop Cornelius Piong at the 6th General Assembly)

Fourth Pillar – Anniversary of the Diocese of Keningau
The Diocese of Keningau celebrates its anniversary each year and this year will be its 21st anniversary. It can be said that the Diocese of Keningau has accomplished much of what it had set out to achieve. The anniversary will be celebrated for three reasons, namely the establishment of the Diocese of Keningau, the Episcopal Ordination of Bishop Cornelius Piong and a thanksgiving for the Harvest Festival. -- Fredoline Umis

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