
  • Understanding and appreciating our differences

    Jan 15, 2015

    It’s common for us to see God’s grace and blessing in what unites us. We naturally sense the presence of grace when, at our core, we feel a strong moral bond with certain other persons, churches, and faiths. That, biblically, is what defines family.

  • Warning behind flood of biblical proportions

    Jan 08, 2015

    The floods in the East Coast and other states at the end of December were almost of biblical proportions, with over a quarter of a million people displaced from their homes.

  • The Visitation — revisited

    Dec 26, 2014

    We are all familiar with the biblical story of the Visitation. It happens at the beginning of Luke’s Gospel.

  • Pope Francis did not say our pets are going to heaven

    Dec 26, 2014

    When Pope Francis recently sought to comfort a distraught boy whose dog had died, the pontiff took the sort of pastoral approach he is famous for, telling the youngster not to worry, that he would one day see his pet in heaven.

  • Honouring talent and grace — Jean Beliveau RIP

    Dec 18, 2014

    For those of you who aren’t Canadian, perhaps this name might not mean much, but, this past week, Canada lost one of its great cultural icons, Jean Beliveau, a famed athlete. He died and all Canadians, including this Canadian in exile, mourn his passing.

  • We are called to live in hope

    Dec 18, 2014

    If we venture into any mall in town during Christmas, chances are we would be assailed with tinsel decorations and a tall Christmas tree decorated with flickering lights below which lie gift boxes wrapped with colourful paper.

  • A difficult year ahead – but opportunities lie waiting

    Dec 11, 2014

    A local business weekly has raised concern that shopping malls in the Klang Valley are recording lower sales, especially in non-essential items, apart from F & B.

  • Self-sacrifice and the Eucharist

    Dec 11, 2014

    In 1996, Muslim extremists martyred nearly an entire community of Trappist monks in Atlas, Algeria.

  • Sedition Act U-turn a major step backwards

    Dec 04, 2014

    Two years ago, Malaysians were told that a raft of laws would be repealed, amended or reviewed. Emergency proclamations would be finally lifted. This was good news in the run-up to the 2013 general election.

  • Two churches, two sacred places, two struggles

    Dec 03, 2014

    God has given us two churches, one is found everywhere and the other is found at select places. Some of us prefer one of these and struggle with the other, but both are sacred places where God can be found and worshipped.