Querida Amazonia News
Pope Francis' Querida Amazonia: Dreaming with God for all humanity
Feb 26, 2020
Pope Francis published his response to the Vatican’s 2019 Amazon synod in an apostolic exhortation February12. Despite widespread speculation following the synod, the pope does not call for married priests, but seeks to expand "horizons beyond conflicts."
Five Takeaways from ‘Querida Amazonia’
Feb 26, 2020
The Amazon synod was the first meeting of its kind to be organized around a distinct ecological territory. The region contains about 34 million inhabitants, including three million indigenous people from nearly 400 ethnic groups.
What’s in Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation on the Amazon synod?
Feb 26, 2020
Pope Francis has again surprised the world with his long-awaited document (“Apostolic Exhortation”) in response to the deliberations of the Pan-Amazonian synod.
Towards a prophetic shifting of the centre of gravity
Feb 26, 2020
Francis is seeking solutions that consider the rights of the original peoples, and that defend the cultural richness and natural beauty of the earth.
'Querida Amazonia' shows how Francis is looking for deeper change
Feb 26, 2020
Pope Francis' apostolic exhortation Querida Amazonia is a multifaceted document. I would like to look at what I found the most striking aspect of the text, its ecclesiological significance.
Inculturation is a 'necessary process' in the Amazon
Feb 26, 2020
Pope Francis has highlighted the need for spiritual inculturation in the Amazon region, and praised indigenous expressions of religiosity, while pointing to the Eucharist as the central component of Christian spirituality.
Querida Amazonia charting a new path
Feb 26, 2020
Pope Francis' post-synodal exhortation on the Amazon is part of the Church's ordinary magisterium -- that is officially a kind of Church teaching -- while the final document of the Vatican’s 2019 Amazon synod is not, Cardinal Michael Czerny, special secretary of the Amazon synod, said Feb. 12.
Pope on women in Amazon church: Don't try to 'clericalize' them
Feb 26, 2020
Pope Francis released his document on the Amazon region on the 15th anniversary of the assassination in Brazil of U.S. Notre Dame Sister Dorothy Stang, a missionary who defended the poor and the environment.
Sunday Reflection
The miracle begins when the wine runs out
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Rawi Alexander, OFM, Cap