The Garden of Gethsemane
Apr 16, 2014
"Several years ago, Mel Gibson produced and directed a movie which enjoyed a spectacular popularity. Entitled, The Passion of the Christ, the movie depicts Jesus’ paschal journey from the Garden of Gethsemane to his death on Golgotha, but with a very heavy emphasis on his physical suffering.
Easter and the paradox of New Life
Apr 16, 2014
Easter is about new life, the resurrection of Jesus.
Our need to share our riches with the poor
Apr 11, 2014
We need to give away some of our own possessions in order to be healthy. Wealth that is hoarded always corrupts those who possess it.
Rising beyond the ordinary to make a difference
Apr 10, 2014
Sometimes we tend to feel that it is difficult to rise above the humdrum ordinariness of our lives. In the larger scheme of things, we may feel powerless to effect change. After all, we are just cogs in the machine, just bit players in a relentless, sometimes ruthless and rapacious system.
Irene Fernandez’s passing a great loss to the cause of migrant workers
Apr 02, 2014
The passing of Irene Fernandez due to heart failure on 31 March is a great loss to the cause of migrant workers in the country. They have lost someone who consistently championed their cause.
Groaning beyond words — our deeper way of praying
Apr 02, 2014
When we no longer know how to pray, the Spirit, in groans too deep for words, prays through us.
What dark nights do for us
Mar 27, 2014
After Mother Teresa died, her diaries revealed something that shocked many people, namely, during the last sixty years of her life, from age 27 until she died at age 87, she struggled to imagine that God existed and had no affective experience of either the person or the existence of God.
What happens if a parish adopts the preferential option for the poor?
Mar 27, 2014
Now that no less a person than the Pope himself wants to transform the universal Church into the Church of the poor, perhaps we should think about how that vision can be realised at the grass-roots level, namely at the parish and BEC levels.
Facing our maker
Mar 21, 2014
Some day you will have to face your Maker! We’ve all heard that phrase. The hour will come when we will stand alone before God with no place to hide, no room to rationalize, and no excuses to offer for our weaknesses and sin.
MH370: A baffling mystery that leaves us searching for answers
Mar 20, 2014
Ever since MH370 from KL to Beijing disappeared from civilian radar coverage on March 8, people everywhere have been baffled by the loss of the plane.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD