Recent Editorial
Reshaping the Ratzinger Legacy?
Sep 23, 2016
A trio of sympathetic books published since May hint at the effort to shape the legacy of Pope Benedict XVI.
Evolving priestly ministry
Sep 16, 2016
Church ministry is changing. The laity is replacing clergy partly because it is necessary; partly because it is right.
How the Bishops are implementing Pope Francis’ teaching
Sep 16, 2016
The summer of 2016 has not been a quiet time for Pope Francis. But apparently it has not been a quiet time for some of his brother bishops either.
Evangelize with your life – not by proselytism
Sep 16, 2016
Recalling the life of the Jesuit missionary St Peter Claver, Pope Francis said that the essence of evangelization is witness to Christ with one’s whol
There’s more heroism in Mother Teresa than an advancing army
Sep 10, 2016
Mother Teresa used to say, “I will give saints to the Church.” These words came to my mind when I heard that four of her sisters were killed in Yemen.
Pope takes control on refugee issues
Sep 10, 2016
Advancing with determination in the reform of the Roman Curia, Pope Francis has created an important new department for “integral human development” and, as expected, has appointed the Ghanaian cardinal, Peter Turkson, as its first prefect.
Effects of overly secularized culture
Sep 02, 2016
Pope Francis warned Poland’s Catholic bishops that we are living in an increasingly secularized and de-Christianized culture. This has left many people orphaned, exploited and vaguely spiritual without Christ or his Church.
Lone convert from Bhutan became priest thanks to Mother Teresa
Sep 02, 2016
Jesuit Fr Kinley Tshering is the current provincial of Darjeeling in India, and, so far as anyone knows, the lone Bhutanese convert to Catholicism.
Ratzinger a friend of Pope Francis
Sep 02, 2016
“Obedience to my successor has always been unquestionable. Then there is a sense of deep communion and friendship,” the Pope Emeritus said, ahead of the publication of Peter Seewald’s book-length interview with Benedict XVI.
Women deacons and subsidiarity in a fragmenting Church
Aug 25, 2016
Nearly four weeks after the Vatican’s announcement of the commission on women deacons, we still do not know much about its agenda or schedule.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD