
  • Choral music and its place in the liturgy

    Jun 20, 2014

    Contrary to popular belief, active participation in the liturgy was not a concept created by the Second Vatican Council.

  • The regrets we can live with

    Jun 20, 2014

    In her recent book, The Invention of Wings, Sue Monk Kidd presents us with a deeply conflicted heroine, Sarah, a highly sensitive woman who grows up the daughter of a slave-owner and a child of privilege.

  • The unemployment rate worries me

    Jun 20, 2014

    In an interview granted with Spanish-language magazine La Vanguardia on June 9, Pope Francis discussed about violence, the Church being poor, the relationships between Jews and Christians as well as Orthodox and Catholics.

  • Christian faith critical for World Cup star Clint Dempsey

    Jun 18, 2014

    U.S. soccer fans went wild on Monday as team captain Clint Dempsey scored a goal during the first minute of the club’s opening World Cup game against Ghana.

  • Food For Thought

    Jun 13, 2014

    In February, Pope Francis, in his trademark simplicity, urged the faithful gathered for his weekly audience to attend Mass on Sundays.

  • Why call the Mass a celebration?

    Jun 13, 2014

    A Mass is not called a celebration only when it gives rise to happiness in the people of God. Still, that might be one good reason to consider it a celebration.

  • Sunday Mass, more than an obligation

    Jun 13, 2014

    I recently heard someone ask the question: Why do we have to go for Mass? I don't think I’d heard that question since I was a child, when someone was whining, begging to stay home.

  • Wearied in our patience

    Jun 13, 2014

    Thirty years ago, before the airline hijackings of September 11, 2001, before the shoe-bomber and others like him, it was simpler to travel by air.

  • Three faiths pray for peace in the Holy Land

    Jun 13, 2014

    Representatives of Judaism, Christianity and Islam said prayers from their respective religious communities at Sunday’s historic “Invocation for Peace” at the Vatican, praying for peace in the Holy Land and throughout the Middle East.

  • Food for thought

    Jun 05, 2014

    Some of us may find a little more time in our schedules for volunteer work at our parish or elsewhere in our community.