Global Church News
Medina explosion: Suicide bombing near Saudi holy site
Jul 05, 2016
Three suicide bombers struck in Saudi Arabia on Monday in a rare incidence of multiple attacks in the kingdom where the Islamic State group has previo
Forum: ‘The Roots of the Tree of Liberty in America’
Jul 05, 2016
Archbishop of Washington Cardinal Wuerl: ‘As Americans and as Catholics, this is our cause too, this is our calling: to bear witness to the freedom given us by God.’
Philippine Bishop urges end of unfair contract practices
Jul 05, 2016
Workers must unite to ensure one voice to stamp out unjust labor contracts, he says.
Nigeria’s Enugu, Awgu and Nsukka Catholics protest killings
Jul 05, 2016
Nigerian media quoted the Bishop of Enugu Diocese, Callistus Valentine Onaga calling upon the federal and state governments to put in place adequate security measures and protect innocent lives.
Cardinal Berhaneyesus celebrates 40th priestly anniversary
Jul 05, 2016
Ethiopia’s Cardinal Berhaneyesus Souraphiel, C.M., celebrated his 40th anniversary of priestly ordination Monday 4 July 2016
WYD organisers tell attendees to ‘expect long walks’
Jul 05, 2016
Visitors to World Youth Day will have to walk 18 miles to and from one of the main sites in Krakow
Catholics rally to aid the displaced in Iraq
Jul 05, 2016
The fate of some 120,000 displaced Iraqi Christians is being held hostage by uncertainty.
Dhaka massacre: Terrorists were all descendants of well-to-do families
Jul 05, 2016
Bangladeshi officials have named five perpetrator terrorists who carried the attack at the Holey Artisan Bakery cafe in Dhaka and said they were known to police and belong to well-to-do local families.
For Patriarch Sako, Baghdad massacre rooted in IS’s desire to rule the world
Jul 05, 2016
The Islamic State (IS) group is no longer thinking about “geography", about controlling a territory, because it has "lost" militarily.
Miao diocese fighting drug abuse among youth
Jul 05, 2016
The Diocese of Miao, in the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh, has decided to fight drug abuse among young people, a growing problem in this north-eastern corner of India.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD