Global Church News
Francis’s visit and the mission entrusted to the Armenian people
Jun 28, 2016
The pope did not waver from calling evil by its name, recognising the right of the Armenian people to remember. However, remembrance can no longer be an end in itself; it must become the vocation of the Armenian people and Diaspora.
Former Holy Land ‘custos’ named Apostolic Administrator of Jerusalem
Jun 28, 2016
Pope Francis has appointed Franciscan Father Pierbattista Pizzaballa to replace Latin Patriarch Fouad Twal of Jerusalem
Miami Archbishop faults rush to blame Catholicism for Orlando shooting
Jun 28, 2016
“Christians who support traditional marriage did not kill 49 people. Omar Mateen did,” Archbishop Wenski said in a June 19 homily.
Orthodox leaders affirm unity as historic meeting closes
Jun 28, 2016
The leaders said they hoped the Pan-Orthodox Council would become a regular event, taking place 'every seven to 10 years'
These photos of a dying nun went viral – and here's why
Jun 28, 2016
Pictures of a young Argentinian nun – smiling and serene though dying from a devastating battle with cancer – have erupted on social media, with thousands sharing the images and heartfelt prayers.
Mgr Leopoldo Girelli : "I met the true faith" of Vietnamese Christians
Jun 28, 2016
Since January 2011, the non-resident papal representative has visited each of Vietnam’s 26 dioceses at least twice. The prelate highlighted the work of bishops, priests, religious and laity. He met with Communist authorities and paid attention to the poor and marginalised. He stressed the importance of seminars in the training of future priests.
For Card Gracias, there are no restrictions on the mercy of Mary, the mother of us all
Jun 28, 2016
The Archrchbishop of Mumbai celebrated the feast day of Our Lady of Perpetual Help at the shrine in St Michael in Mahim, one of India’s most venerated sites. " people of every faith come to venerate Our Lady of Perpetual Help”, who is “the largest recipient of mercy”.
Supreme Court ruling blasted for pro-abortion bias in Texas ruling
Jun 28, 2016
In striking down Texas’ regulations of abortion clinics, the Supreme Court showed favoritism toward the supposed “right to abortion” over states’ interests in the health of women and normal court proceedings, critics said Monday.
Manila, an ‘Oratio Imperata’ for the next government’s good behaviour
Jun 28, 2016
A special prayer is being prayed during Masses in the Manila archdiocese for government officials before the country changes its leadership.
Duma approves anti-terrorism measures that
Jun 28, 2016
Protestant leaders and human rights activists slam Yarovaya’s laws, a package of measures that, among other things, make it nearly impossible to carry out processions and limit "missionary activities".

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD