Global Church News
Miao diocese fighting drug abuse among youth
Jul 05, 2016
The Diocese of Miao, in the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh, has decided to fight drug abuse among young people, a growing problem in this north-eastern corner of India.
Catholics and activists against police torture in Sri Lanka
Jul 05, 2016
The diocese of Kandy, central Sri Lanka, has organised a petition to ask the government of President Maithripala Sirisena to stop the punitive methods used by police and guarantee justice to torture victims.
Interview with Father Jeff Kirby : Priest seeks for “roads to lead from Rome to home”
Jul 05, 2016
“Doors of Mercy program seeks to teach the message of mercy in parishes throughout the world”
‘Don’t look for scapegoats’: Cardinal issues plea with other religious leaders
Jul 05, 2016
Cardinal Nichols joins the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Chief Rabbi and an imam in urging Britain to unite against prejudice
Former director reflects on World Youth Days: Retrospect and Prospect
Jul 04, 2016
In preparation for World Youth Day 2016 in Krakow, Poland later this month,What we learned from World Youth Day 2002 in Canada
Rebuilt from the ashes: The story of an American basilica
Jul 04, 2016
An immigrant parish, burnt down, with only the crucifix remaining. A parish rebuilt, transformed and a key part in giving back to the community.
Filipinos are in love with the Virgin Mary, and the Baclaran shrine is proof
Jul 04, 2016
A long-venerated icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help turned 150 this year, and many Filipinos’ Marian devotion has never been stronger.
An overwhelming response to women's Catholic health care
Jul 04, 2016
In the year and a half since it opened, Bella Natural Women’s Care has served the needs of some 1,700 women in Denver.
Mgr Menamparampil: On being peacemakers in India
Jul 04, 2016
Ethnic insurgencies in the ‘seven sister states" of India’s north-east goes back a long time. In 1996 local Churches set up a Joint Peace Mission Team. The former archbishop of Guwahati describes what makes a good peacemaker.
For Bishop of Rajshahi, Muslims should stand up to barbarous act in Dhaka
Jul 04, 2016
Mgr Gervas Rozario, bishop of Rajshahi and president of the Bishops’ Commission for Justice and Peace, spoke to AsiaNews about last Friday’s massacre in Dhaka.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD