Without the Church, Jesus 'is at the mercy of our imagination': Pope
Jan 05, 2015
In his homily on New Year’s Day, Pope Francis said that Jesus and his mother Mary are “inseparable,” just like Jesus and the Church, who is the mother of all humanity that guides her children to God.
Pope: This New Year's, embrace gratitude, reject slavery of sin
Jan 05, 2015
At the year's end, Pope Francis reflected on Christ’s saving presence within time, cautioning against nostalgia for the slavery of sin, and encouraging gratitude that leads to repentance.
Pope: Without the Church, Jesus 'is at the mercy of our imagination'
Jan 02, 2015
In his homily on New Year’s Day, Pope Francis said that Jesus and his mother Mary are “inseparable,” just like Jesus and the Church, who is the mother of all humanity that guides her children to God.
In peace message, Pope takes aim at modern-day slavery
Jan 02, 2015
Denouncing modern slavery as a “scourge,” Pope Francis on New Year’s Day called for concrete action and the “globalization of fraternity” to combat slavery and human trafficking.
Pope: Our time had a beginning and will have an end, so let us ask ourselves if we live like God's children or the devil's slaves
Jan 02, 2015
This evening, during the celebration of the first Vespers of the Solemnity of Mary, Holy Mother of God, which was followed by the Te Deum, the moment of thanksgiving for the end of the year.
Examine your conscience as the New Year begins, urges Francis
Jan 02, 2015
Remember that you will be judged, says the Pope, especially on how you used your freedom and cared for the poor.
Pope Makes Private Visit to Sistine Chapel
Jan 02, 2015
Pope Francis made a private visit to the Sistine Chapel on Christmas Day.
Pope: This New Year's, embrace gratitude, reject slavery of sin
Jan 01, 2015
At the year's end, Pope Francis reflected on Christ’s saving presence within time, cautioning against nostalgia for the slavery of sin, and encouraging gratitude that leads to repentance.
For pope, the wisdom of the heart helps serve the sick and live the experience of pain with faith
Dec 31, 2014
In his message for the 23rd World Day of the Sick, which will be celebrated on 11 February 2015.
Pope: Let us pray in silence for the families that are suffering, that they may not lack concrete help
Dec 29, 2014
Today's family face "many" challenges, from the lack of work to disunity. However, the simple but powerful light that comes from the Holy Family "is the light of mercy and salvation for the world, the human family and individual families.
Sunday Reflection
The miracle begins when the wine runs out
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Rawi Alexander, OFM, Cap