First Christian youth undertake hometown mission work
Aug 01, 2014
The First Christian Church youth group recently spent a week on mission in Alliance.
CatholicFest mixes camping, encounter with truth, beauty
Jul 24, 2014
For the past three years now, Catholic families in the Diocese of Green Bay and beyond have been marking their calendars for July 4, and not just because it’s Independence Day.
GSC youths are Christ-A-Holics
Jul 24, 2014
Forty-one youths and RCIA candidates from the various language groups of Good Shepherd Church, Setapak, were delighted to complete their sacrament of Christian initiation with the conferring of the Sacrament of Confirmation on 29th June 2014.
Children and young people can experience religious life
Jul 24, 2014
St John Paul II once said, “If children and young people can experience the priests’ and religious’ joy of being ministers of Christ, generosity in the service of the Church.
Sixteen young men eager to know more about the priesthood vocation
Jul 24, 2014
Sixteen young men took a bold step forward to attend the recently held Diocesan Vocation Retreat 2014 at the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (SHC) from July 4 to 5.
Second National Campus Student Gathering
Jul 24, 2014
The second National Campus Student Gathering was held in Champagnat Youth Centre (Marist Brothers), Port Dickson. It was a two-night three-day meeting, beginning July 4.
Young people find healing, purpose, God's love in theology of the body
Jul 24, 2014
For campus minister Amy West, St. John Paul II's theology of the body is more than just the late pope's writings on the human body, the creation of male and female, marriage and human sexuality. It is a means of healing and self-discovery for young people.
Deeper understanding of the Eucharist for young children
Jul 17, 2014
It is often remarked that as children grow, a deeper understanding of the Eucharistic Celebration is unravelled.
Chosen to glorify: A witness on campus
Jul 17, 2014
There was a high turn out of students, lecturers, and parishioners for the first time ever for a Mass on campus in conjunction with the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Official logo, prayer for WYD Krakow 2016 announced
Jul 17, 2014
In a press conference held on July 3rd in Krakow, Poland, Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz presented the official logo and prayer for the 31st World Youth Day slated to take place there in 2016.

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD