Synod 2021-2024

  • Synod guest shares how process reduces anger, builds community

    Oct 20, 2023

    Luca Casarini, a longtime and well-known Italian activist, is a special guest at the assembly of the Synod of Bishops; he’s encouraged to speak, but has no vote. And he said he is learning a lot.

  • Synod briefing focuses on migrants and refugees

    Oct 20, 2023

    With Synod participants preparing to attend an evening Moment of Prayer for Migrants and Refugees, the Church's response to the situation of those forced to flee their homes was at the forefront of Thursday's press briefing on the Synod.

  • Women religious to discuss most pressing challenges of our time

    Oct 20, 2023

    Catholic sisters will gather in Rome to discuss urgent issues of our time at the first-ever Advocacy Forum hosted by UISG, the International Union of Superiors General, set to be held on 23-24 October in Rome.

  • Cardinal Hollerich: We must renew our commitment to our work

    Oct 19, 2023

    Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, the Relator General for the Synod of Bishops, encourages members of the General Assembly to renew their commitment to their work before presenting the next module, focusing on “Participation, governance, authority: What processes, structures, and institutions are needed in a missionary synodal Church?”

  • Briefing: A Letter for all God's people to continue Synodal journey

    Oct 19, 2023

    At the Synod briefing on Wednesday, Dr. Paolo Ruffini updates reporters, and journalists hear from Cardinal Leonardo Steiner of Manaus, Brazil; Archbishop Zbig?evs Stankevi?s of Riga, Latvia; Bishop Pablo Virgilio David, President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP); and 19-year-old US Synod member, Wyatt Olivas.

  • Synodality and monastic life: Openness and unpredictability

    Oct 19, 2023

    Following in the footsteps of St. Chiara of Assisi, a Capuchin Poor Clare nun provides some insights from monastic life which are essential for synodality, including the biblical sense of justice and limited power.

  • Synod briefing: Synod is not a talk show, but reflection on how Church can walk in world

    Oct 18, 2023

    The Synod briefing on Tuesday highlights issues discussed by Synod members, including the ministry of bishops, the role of women, potential revisions to Canon Law, and contributions of the laity, with a woman participant saying the issue of female priesthood is a "niche issue that does not reflect the needs of women today."

  • Synod members urge patience as process continues

    Oct 18, 2023

    One insists that synod discussions, including about women, are much broader than the media would have people believe

  • Synod: Synodality that ‘is not a cliché’ but a daily experience

    Oct 17, 2023

    The themes of the synod work that took place in the morning - from missionary work to interreligious dialogue, to the role of women in serving the Church - were discussed at Monday afternoon's briefing at the Vatican Press Office. The assembly also recalled the 45th anniversary of John Paul II's ele

  • Synod renews prayers for the Holy Land and the world

    Oct 16, 2023

    Synod members gathered in the Paul VI Hall in the Vatican renew prayers for peace. Themes that emerged from Thursday's Holy See Press Office briefing included the importance of listening, welcoming diversity, and the role of women. Regarding cloud access to confidential documents by outsiders, Paolo Ruffini notes there is nothing secret but a desire to maintain confidentiality.