Recent Editorial

  • Preparing for mission in a post-pandemic Church

    Oct 22, 2021

    In conjunction with World Mission Sunday, Archbishop Simon Poh, Episcopal President for New Evangelisation and Pontifical Mission Societies of MalaysiaSingapore-Brunei, invites us to reflect on our call to be missionaries, particularly in a post-pandemic Malaysian Church

  • Inspiring others through our lived faith

    Oct 22, 2021

    In 2019, Pope Francis declared an extraordinary missionary month in October. With the words Baptised and Sent echoing in our ears, the clergy, religious and laity were invited to reflect on a deeper understanding of the Church’s call to mission and to share in the missionary nature of the Church through Encounter, Testimony, Formation and Charity.

  • We will always have the poor among us

    Oct 15, 2021

    October 17 is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.

  • “Fratelli Tutti” important for Muslims too, says Grand Imam

    Oct 15, 2021

    The Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Prof Ahmad Muhammad Al-Tayeb, who was in Rome recently to participate in some important events alongside Pope Francis and other religious leaders, visited the studios of Vatican Radio – Vatican News and spoke about his relationship with Pope Francis one year after the publication of the Encyclical Fratelli Tutti.

  • ‘I couldn’t fix myself’

    Oct 08, 2021

    In December 2019, Bishop James Conley of the Diocese of Lincoln announced that he was going on a medical leave of absence.

  • Mental health in an unequal world

    Oct 08, 2021

    The World Health Organisation recognises World Mental Health Day on October 10 every year. The observance of this day is aimed at raising awareness of mental health issues globally, and more importantly, in mobilising resources and advocating efforts in support of mental health.

  • Understanding our missionary call

    Oct 02, 2021

    The month of October is recognised in the Catholic Church as World Mission Month, a time when Catholics all over the world join to support and celebrate global missionary work.

  • ‘My intuitions, my perceptions and my spirituality’ come from Vatican II

    Oct 02, 2021

    Pope Francis has reflected on the importance of the Second Vatican Council and the influence of its teachings on his life and spirituality.

  • We need to move towards a wider ‘WE’

    Sep 25, 2021

    Migrants and refugees have contributed greatly to the economy and society of the country and have become a part of the social fabric of the Church too.

  • A journey of hope and acceptance?

    Sep 25, 2021

    Migration is a story of hope. Millions throughout history have migrated in search of a better life for themselves and their loved ones.