Pope Francis, Obama have much in common
Mar 27, 2014
Pope Francis and President Obama met at the Vatican on Thursday, March 27.
Trust in politicians is at an all-time low ...when inequality is at an all time high
Mar 27, 2014
The riots and demonstrations in Cairo in 2011, and the similar breakdown in public order in Kiev last month, were both fuelled by popular resentment at corruption.
Food for thought
Mar 27, 2014
Last year, in his last public homily as a sitting pope, Pope Benedict XVI said during Ash Wednesday that “by the grace of God, we are called to transform (the Gospel) into a concrete attitude and behaviour during Lent.”
Transformed by grace
Mar 27, 2014
The story of John Newton is generally well known. He was a captain in the African slave trade during the 1700s and eventually had a conversion to Christianity. He later joined with his friend William Wilberforce to bring about the end of the British slave trade.
Lenten lessons to help us throughout life
Mar 27, 2014
The Lenten Gospels take us through a bleak and dry landscape. To some, this bleakness signals death. To others, it signals a death of the old self and a transformation to a new self.
Food for Thought
Mar 21, 2014
When most of us think of the word “discipline,” we think of punishment or of actions that may take away what brings a moment of joy into our lives.
Lent’s call to discipline
Mar 21, 2014
A few years ago, I went to a birthday party for a priest friend who was turning 80. This friend was a great homilist and a great writer, but what also impressed me was that at 80, this lean, wiry priest was still getting up every cold Alaskan morning to jog through the predawn streets.
We need discipline to be disciples
Mar 21, 2014
In his First Letter to the Corinthians, the apostle Paul encouraged the Church at Corinth to think of their faith as an athlete thinks of a competition: run to win.
Cardinal Bertone gives account of 2013 conclave
Mar 21, 2014
Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the former Vatican Secretary of State, offered his perspective on the conclave that elected Pope Francis, in a candid interview with La Stampa.
Religious asked to live poverty, reject capitalism
Mar 21, 2014
The Vatican office responsible for the approximately 900,000 priests and brothers and sisters in religious orders around the world called on them this weekend to re-evaluate their holdings of wealth and to issue critiques of the global market capitalist economy, calling it unjust to the world's neediest.
Sunday Reflection
Trap of the human heart
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Dr Lawrence Ng Yew Kim