Recent Editorial

  • Follow the lead of the Korean martyrs

    Aug 21, 2014

    “Lay people were the first apostles of Korea,” Pope Francis said in his homily at Mass in Seoul after beatifying 124 martyrs from the infancy period of the Church in “the land of the morning calm.”

  • Evangelise but don’t impose any cultural models

    Aug 21, 2014

    “Authentic dialogue” and “empathy” were at the heart of the Pope’s speech. “We are challenged to listen not only to the words which others speak, but to the unspoken communication of their experiences, their hopes and aspirations, their struggles and their deepest concerns.”

  • Drawing the boundaries of the new Middle East with Christian blood

    Aug 14, 2014

    Meeting at the See of the Maronite Patriarchate in Dimane (North Lebanon), Eastern Catholic and Orthodox patriarchs reacted on Aug 7 to this tragedy by asking Muslim civil and religious authorities to issue fatwas and laws outlawing the cultural genocide that is underway in the regions conquered by the jihadists.

  • Can we rescue Christians in the Middle East?

    Aug 14, 2014

    The persecution and expulsion of Christians from northern Iraq by the Islamic State is the latest, most organized, highly destructive blow to hit the Christians of the Middle East in more than a century.

  • There can be no victory without justice

    Aug 07, 2014

    Israeli action in Gaza, however justified at the outset, has crossed the line and is proving intolerable to the international community.

  • Korea gets ready to welcome Pope to Asia

    Aug 07, 2014

    Pope Francis will travel to Korea, from Aug. 13 to 18. He is going there for a meeting with young people from 30 Asian countries at the Sixth Asian Youth Day, and to beatify 124 Korean martyrs from the first 50 years of the Catholic Church’s existence in this East-Asian nation that was evangelized by lay-people in the 18th century.

  • Cardinal George Pell on Financial Reform at the Vatican

    Jul 24, 2014

    Pope Francis is well on the way to achieving a total and radical reform of the Vatican’s finances. That became abundantly clear on July 9 when the Australian cardinal George Pell, the man he appointed to spearhead that reform, presented the New Economic Framework for the Holy See at a crowded press conference in the Vatican.

  • Not quite a parting of the ways

    Jul 24, 2014

    The vote by the Church of England’s governing body to allow women to be ordained as bishops is historic and dramatic, even if it was the logical consequence of the decision by the same body to ordain women as priests made in 1992.

  • Vatican must understand ways of the media

    Jul 17, 2014

    Rene Bruelhart, the man brought in by Benedict XVI to run the Vatican’s newly formed anti-money-laundering Financial Information Authority, was frank in assessing the Catholic Church’s task during a recent interview with The Wall Street Journal.

  • The desperate dream of the Islamic Caliphate

    Jul 17, 2014

    Like all Muslim terrorists, the new "Caliph" has a new "war name". He is no longer called Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. His real name is Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim Ali al-Badri al-Samarrai, who was born in Samarra in 1971. His full name of war is: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi al-Husseini al-Qurashi.