Recent Editorial
The meaning of the Selangor crisis
Sep 11, 2014
If the installation of Tan Sri Khalid as menteri besar of Selangor stands, then that fact, by itself, will mean and signify and establish that whatever the formal "niceties".
Pope Francis pursues a thaw in relations with mainland China
Sep 11, 2014
Facing mixed signals coming from the government on the Chinese mainland regarding dealings with the Vatican, Pope Francis hopes to warm their relationship and someday establish a diplomatic representative in Beijing.
Pope Benedict was right about Islam at Regensburg
Sep 04, 2014
As I write, the headlines and my various news feeds are filled with images of some of the most loathsome barbarities we have seen since the end of World War II.
What ISIS wants is military intervention
Sep 04, 2014
To present the events in Iraq as a clash between Islam and Christianity is to ignore the complexities of this tragic situation in the Middle East.
After 65 years, is China finally ready to embrace the Pope?
Aug 28, 2014
Pope Francis flew over China on his way to South Korea late last week, where the Catholic Church has seen rapid growth in the last decade.
Following Francis
Aug 28, 2014
Francis, the first Jesuit pope in history, is a missionary. Like his fellow Jesuits Francis Xavier and Matteo Ricci before him, he passionately desires to share “the joy of the Gospel” with the peoples of Asia.
We should have seen the Iraq crisis coming
Aug 21, 2014
The appalling killing of Christians and Yazidis and others by an advancing brutal group, Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS), has brought once largely academic discussions around religious freedom into our living rooms.
Follow the lead of the Korean martyrs
Aug 21, 2014
“Lay people were the first apostles of Korea,” Pope Francis said in his homily at Mass in Seoul after beatifying 124 martyrs from the infancy period of the Church in “the land of the morning calm.”
Evangelise but don’t impose any cultural models
Aug 21, 2014
“Authentic dialogue” and “empathy” were at the heart of the Pope’s speech. “We are challenged to listen not only to the words which others speak, but to the unspoken communication of their experiences, their hopes and aspirations, their struggles and their deepest concerns.”
Drawing the boundaries of the new Middle East with Christian blood
Aug 14, 2014
Meeting at the See of the Maronite Patriarchate in Dimane (North Lebanon), Eastern Catholic and Orthodox patriarchs reacted on Aug 7 to this tragedy by asking Muslim civil and religious authorities to issue fatwas and laws outlawing the cultural genocide that is underway in the regions conquered by the jihadists.
Sunday Reflection
Change begins with us
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD