Recent Editorial
A Synod that is open to dialogue and debate
Oct 09, 2014
The Extraordinary Synod on the Family which ends next Sunday, 19th October, 2014 is perhaps a defining moment of Pope Francis’ pontificate. He has been encouraging the Synod Fathers to dialogue and debate freely.
The Synod could use a woman’s touch
Oct 01, 2014
The Extraordinary Synod for the Family that will be held in Rome next month has attracted more attention than any synod since their introduction following Vatican II.
Beware of vanity, vain Christians are like soap bubbles!
Oct 01, 2014
“Showing off,” “living for appearances” is an attitude than poses a great risk to Christians. Vanity can lead a person to show off the fact that they are donating to the Church, “then he scams the Church from the other direction.”
Vatican announces commission to streamline marriage process
Sep 25, 2014
Pope Francis will establish a commission to review the matrimonial process in canon law with the goal of simplifying the procedure while maintaining the indissolubility of marriage, the Holy See Press Office announced Saturday.
Truth has 'power of attraction,' Pope says to religious leaders
Sep 25, 2014
The “conviction that truth has its own power of attraction,” said Pope Francis, negates the need for those secure in their faith to impose their beliefs on others.
Frowns do not defend marriage
Sep 25, 2014
Smiling Pope Francis has brought about a vast change in the way the Catholic Church is regarded by its ordinary members. He has made it seem not just fit for human habitation, but warm and welcoming.
What are we walking into in Iraq?
Sep 19, 2014
President Obama has now made it clear that the United States, and consequently Australia, will take military action against ISIL forces in Iraq and Syria.
The new Thirty Years’ War
Sep 19, 2014
One hundred years ago Sunday, the "war to end all wars" broke out in Europe.
Promoting religious freedom is ‘root’ of Middle East peace
Sep 19, 2014
Encouraging robust religious freedom is a critical foundation for peace and stability in the Middle East, said panelists discussing the ongoing violence facing Christians in the region.
Sunday Reflection
Trap of the human heart
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Dr Lawrence Ng Yew Kim