Recent Editorial

  • Courageous and Saintly Popes of Vatican II

    Apr 16, 2014

    Both Popes, John XXIII and John Paul II, who worked for Church unity and dedicated much of their lives and Magisterium to foster relations among Christian communities, will be canonized on Sunday April 27.

  • Pope apologizes for priests’ sex abuse, promises strong response

    Apr 16, 2014

    The Church “will not take one step backward” in efforts to punish those who abuse children, Pope Francis promised in an April 11 address to the International Catholic Child Bureau (BICE).

  • Married men could be ordained priests if world’s bishops agree on it!

    Apr 16, 2014

    A bishop who met with Pope Francis in a rare private audience on 4 April has said in an interview that the two men discussed the issue of the ordination of “proven” married men – viri probati – in a serious and positive way.

  • Holy See emphasizes family’s role in poverty eradication

    Apr 11, 2014

    Praising the U.N.'s plan to eradicate poverty, the Holy See's observer to the body emphasized the importance of the family in encouraging development and in fighting poverty.

  • Human rights and slavery... Let’s not look the other way

    Apr 11, 2014

    Trafficking in human beings is a phenomenon that is not talked about easily.

  • Lessons about racial discrimination

    Apr 11, 2014

    Last month (March 21) marked the anniversary of the Sharpeville massacre in South Africa which occurred during a protest against the pass laws.

  • After Crimea

    Apr 02, 2014

    President Obama planned to finish his second term “leaning in” to the 21st century. The trouble is, too many contemporary geopolitical players seem determined to reach back into the 19th, if not further.

  • A woman’s place in the Vatican

    Apr 02, 2014

    Five years as Swedish Ambassador to the Holy See have inspired in me, born and bred in a Lutheran Church, a profound respect and admiration for Catholicism.

  • Ganswein: the mask slips

    Mar 27, 2014

    Just a few weeks ago Archbishop George Ganswein was insisting that it is perfectly possible to live with two masters.

  • Those who oppose Pope Francis

    Mar 27, 2014

    “Never before in the 20th century has a Pope faced so much resistance as Francis has” and “the fact that there is so much resistance shows that the Pope really is changing the Church.”