Wendy Beckett – RIP
Jan 25, 2019
No community should botch its deaths. The renowned anthropologist, Mircea Eliade, suggested this and its truth applies to communities at every level.
Honouring human rights pledges in the new Malaysia
Jan 18, 2019
After some to-ing and fro-ing, the government has finally said it would study six laws and either amend or repeal them.
Struggling for sustenance
Jan 18, 2019
We all struggle to not give in to coldness and hatred. This was even a struggle for Jesus. Like the rest of us, he had to struggle, mightily at times, to remain warm and loving.
Poverty, chastity and obedience in a secular age
Jan 12, 2019
Cardinal Francis George was once asked what he thought of the radical pacifism of people like Dorothy Day and Daniel Berrigan, prophetic figures who b
The war against trees
Jan 11, 2019
Sometimes it seems we are engaged in a war against trees. In our quest for ‘development’ at all costs, often it is trees that are sacrificed – for construction projects, logging, highways, property development, industrial development.
We need to be challenged
Jan 04, 2019
“We need to challenge our world towards a more responsible sexual ethos. We’ve lost our way!” Wonderful, needed challenges, all of them.
The Long Wait, the Miracle of May 9… the Unfinished Journey
Dec 22, 2018
At the end of the year, we have a new government firmly in place – and despite the worst fears of some of us, nothing awful happened during regime change; the country is still at peace.
Outside the city
Dec 22, 2018
God, it seems, favours the powerless, the unnoticed, children, babies, outsiders, and refugees with no resources or place to go.
After anti-ICERD rally, how to allay old insecurities
Dec 14, 2018
After anti-ICERD rally, how to allay old insecurities

Sunday Reflection
Trusting in God: The key to true prosperity
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD