Recent Editorial
Editor’s Note
Aug 12, 2022
As we approach our 65th National Day on August 31, let’s take a brief look at the legacy of the Catholic Church here in Malaysia.
Editor’s Note
Aug 05, 2022
Today, many of our young people are struggling to get their voice heard, struggling to find a purpose, struggling to be accepted, struggling to make a difference and struggling to find a place under the sun.
Pope Francis in Canada: The gift of tears
Aug 05, 2022
Many images captured Pope Francis' Penitential Pilgrimage to the land of the indigenous people, and offered a window onto the moments that put the focus on the path of healing and reconciliation of peoples who have greatly suffered and who today encounter a new face of the Church.
Meeting the Jesuits, Indigenous and youth
Aug 05, 2022
On July 28, Pope Francis prayed Vespers with bishops, priests, deacons, consecrated persons, seminarians, and pastoral workers at the Notre Dame Cathedral in Quebec. He urged those present to model Christian joy and fraternity to those to whom they minister.
The proof is in the action, despite what the media will tell you
Jul 29, 2022
The muting of approval following Pope Francis’ wholesale, emotional, and historic apology on Canadian soil for the “evil” done to the Indigenous people has come in two forms.
A request for forgiveness for attitudes incompatible with the Gospel
Jul 29, 2022
Our Editorial Director takes a look at Pope Francis’ actions and words on the first day of his Apostolic Visit to Canada and his meeting with indigenous peoples.
A penitential pilgrimage
Jul 22, 2022
The peculiarity of Pope Francis' upcoming trip to Canada: a concrete gesture of closeness toward indigenous peoples.
The cry of a priest
Jul 15, 2022
Fr François de Foucauld , a priest who served for 18 years in the diocese of Versailles, France took his own life, on the night of June 30, 2022. On December 2, 2021, the priest had published an article in the daily La Croix, denouncing the abuse of power in the Church and the law of silence. He said he himself had been a victim of abuse and called for “true consideration of witnesses to the abuse of power in the Church today” in order to implement “clear and peaceful rules of governance within the Church.”
Listening to the voices
Jul 15, 2022
Charles Bertille, the Executive Secretary of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei gives a synopsis of the recently concluded Malaysia Pre-Synod Assembly held in Penang on July 11.
Meet the soon-to-be first Cardinal of Singapore
Jul 08, 2022
In a wide-ranging interview with Vatican News, Cardinal-elect William Goh discusses the reality in the international business hub of Singapore, explaining how affluence can impact religion. Having concluded the bicentennial celebration of the Church’s presence on the small island nation in December
Sunday Reflection
Change begins with us
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Philip Tay, OCD