Sunday Reflection
Put love and you will draw out love
Oct 27, 2023
As Christ’s good disciples, let us love one another with a love that is so great that we all became models for all believers, even in times of great affliction and trials, even in times of those who contract and fail to love us, because just like St John of the Cross would say, “when there is no love, put love, and you will draw out love.”
Say ‘Yes’ to the invitation
Oct 13, 2023
To believe that all are invited to heaven, and to recognise that some accept and some decline, is not the end of the matter.
The Kingdom of God can never be destroyed
Oct 06, 2023
“Below expectation and beyond expectation” could be a perspective from which to reflect on today’s readings, especially the Gospel. Our way of life and the fruit we bear fall below God’s expectation.
God is not like us
Sep 22, 2023
God is beyond us. That is what the readings point to this weekend. The fact that God is a mystery and beyond our thinking is not something that should frustrate or disappoint us but, rather, it should be a source of our hope and the ground that we walk on as Christians.
Forgive others as we have been forgiven
Sep 15, 2023
In the course of our daily lives, we encounter different kinds of people. Because of this, the way we communicate will depend on the kind of people that we encounter, However, most of the time, the words that we use fall broadly into two categories i.e., those that build up a relationship or words t
Purifying our flaws
Sep 08, 2023
The journey of repentance involves a gradual process of self-denial, without which we can be so sure of our own selves while persisting in error.
Jesus’ demands are a loving invitation
Sep 01, 2023
St Paul in his epistle to the Corinthians (11:14), reminds us that Satan will appear as the “angel of light” to confuse even the most faithful soul.
Who do you say I am?
Aug 25, 2023
The way we answer Jesus has the potential to change our lives. If we acknowledge Jesus to be a divinely inspired teacher, then we will pay close attention to what He says so that we might believe it and live it.
Persistence, faith and humility
Aug 18, 2023
In the Gospel today, we read of the encounter between Jesus and a Canaanite woman whose daughter is ill.
Let us trust in the Lord
Aug 11, 2023
Jesus is asking us to come out of our “boats” and trust Him. He is inviting us to walk on water like Peter — I can walk on water like Peter, if I just fix my eyes on Christ, on His gaze at me.
Sunday Reflection
The miracle begins when the wine runs out
Reflecting on our Sunday Readings with Fr Rawi Alexander, OFM, Cap