Sunday Reflection

  • We are called to work together as one

    May 19, 2023

    In what Jesus says and does, He is encouraging us to share in His priorities for our lives: serving others; receiving their service to us with grace and love; witnessing to the love of God; listening to the inner voice of the Holy Spirit.

  • If you love Me, obey Me

    May 12, 2023

    The world cannot receive Him, neither can it look for Him because they cannot recognise Him. However, Jesus’ statement “Seeing the Son is seeing the Father” is meant for those who believe in Him.

  • Jesus leads us on our journey of life

    May 05, 2023

    Before the advent of GPS devices and current apps like Waze and Google Maps, we either had to memorise the roads that led to our intended destination or we kept referring to a printed map.

  • Broken and shattered, Jesus restores us

    Apr 22, 2023

    Hunger is more than physical, it is also spiritual and emotional. We are, by nature, hungry. We hunger for life, love, wholeness, community, meaning, purpose.

  • Jesus breathes life into our weakness

    Apr 14, 2023

    The Second Sunday of Easter is also known as ‘Divine Mercy Sunday.’ Our Lord Jesus Christ appeared to St Faustina in the 1930s and promised that He would bestow His Divine Mercy to any sinner who totally repents of his/her sins, no matter how grave.

  • The light of Christ shines brightly through the darkness

    Apr 09, 2023

    The Paschal Candle is lit to remind us of this eternal light. Other than lighting our darkness, the heat of the flame also “burns” away what is impure in our hearts and souls.

  • The Glory and the Cross

    Mar 31, 2023

    Today we recall how the mystery of our salvation is accomplished by our Lord Jesus Christ through His Passion, Death and Resurrection beginning with His messianic entry into Jerusalem

  • What prevents us from experiencing resurrection?

    Mar 24, 2023

    Jesus offers us new life. He will call us by name and loose that which binds us. And then, as others witness the change that Jesus makes in us, they, too, will come to believe and will find new life in Christ.

  • The one who could see

    Mar 17, 2023

    The disciples look at the blind man, a beggar, because there is no commission for the visually handicapped, there is no Braille, there is no job-training. They look at the blind man and see a theological conundrum.

  • We are all entitled to speak to Jesus

    Mar 10, 2023

    The Good News for us here today is that we don’t need to be collecting water at a well to speak to Jesus, we don’t need to be alone in the midday sun, we can speak to the Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit any time we want – through prayer.